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Zamudio, Bizkaia

5/24/01 The town of Zamudio, located near Sondika, has a unique landmark - the dorrea. Used as a fortress and lookout tower in the middle ages, it now houses a library.
5/24/01 These marks carved into the stone of the dorrea were made by the stone cutters as a kind of personal signature. This is one of several.
5/24/01 Here one can see the thickness of the exterior walls of Zamudio's dorrea.  
5/24/01 This floor of the dorrea houses the young readers collection. The library is supervised by Amagoia Guezuraga who taught Euskara at UNR in the 1993-1994 academic year and danced with Zenbat Gara Basque Folk Dance Ensemble..

Description and historical information about the tower with floor plan - Basque  Spanish

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