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Oņati - Korpus Eguna: Afternoon in the plaza

6/17/01 Jesús Irizar, director and long-time dancer, and daughter Maite look on as Soka Dantza unfolds.

6/17/01 Mikel dances before me a beautiful Agurra in the Oņati style. This gesture holds much meaning for me.  I am leaving soon; I feel joy for the friends I had made in Oņati, and at the same time sadness to be leaving soon.
6/17/01 Aitor and Iker make their way around the plaza to find women to participate with the dancers.  The first two women are chosen to  receive the honor of the Agurra.  The aurresku (first dancer in line) dances to the first woman and then the atzesku (last dancer in line) dances to the second. Here Aitor and Iker are heading my way, although I didn't realize it at the time.  
6/17/01 After the Agurra I joined the string of dancers. We traced counter-clockwise circles around the plaza until the second woman was chosen for the atzesku

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