

Cyber Dantza





Welcome to Dantzaldizkaria, a new internet publication for Basque-American dancers and dance enthusiasts.

Each  issue will include an informational article about some aspect of dance as well as dance news or events, and a section dedicated to answering your questions. Past issues will also be available.

If you would like to receive a reminder via e-mail  when a new issue is posted send me an e-mail

Dantzaldizkaria is edited by Lisa Corcostegui, Doctoral Candidate in Basque Studies (anthropology of dance) at the Center for Basque studies.

What would you like to read about?  I  Send us your dance questions!


Dantzaldizkaria is an internet publication for Basque-American Dancers and dance enthusiasts. 

copyright © L. Corcostegui 2001